Shared Paths Through Ozaukee County
A Watercolor Painting Exhibition Interpreted by an Artist and a Naturalist
July 20 – September 24, 2023
Opening Reception: July 22, 2 – 4pm
Watercolor Scenes
Of Ozaukee County
Watercolor scenes of Ozaukee County by Alice Struck are to be exhibited in Shared Paths through Ozaukee County. Each painting will be accompanied by a storyboard focusing on a natural treasure written by naturalist Andrew Struck who is Ozaukee County’s Park and Planning Director and Alice’s son. Together, the insights of an artist and scientist reveal appreciation and stewardship of the natural world around us.
Andrew Struck has served as the Director of the Planning and Parks Department for Ozaukee County, WI for over 15 years and has more than 20 years of experience in park and trail development, natural resource / ecological planning, protection, restoration and management, Great Lakes fish and wildlife habitat, environmental policy and education. Andrew has an M.S. in Applied Ecology / Regional Planning from Indiana University – Bloomington and a B.S. in Molecular Biology from the University of Wisconsin – Madison.